Hey lovelies! So I was nominated for the Liebster Award by my wonderful cousin Dani from the amazing KABOOM! Cosmetics Before now, I had honestly never heard of the Liebster Award however I have seen a lot of blogs being nominated for similar awards.
The Liebster Award is basically an awesome way to recognise new and smaller blogs which have 200 or less followers. Im basically just going to follow on what I saw KABOOM! Cosmetics doing, and answer all the questions I was provided with! There are a couple of guidelines with this award and they are as followed:
Answer the questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
Nominate a further 11 bloggers and create 11 questions for them.
1. Would you rather wear a bright lip or a bold eye?
I think id have to say a bright lip! On most days I love to rock a very simple winged eye with a bold, bright lip! I just love the combination of the two, and winged eyes can be pared with all bright lip colours!
2. What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
Hmm id have to say Kangaroo! In primary school I remember we all had a day where we were asked to eat all these wacky native Australian foods, and I had actually only just moved to Australia so I was pretty freaked out by the whole thing!
3. Favourite holiday destination?
I think I would say the UK just because its my home country however I obviously cant visit too often, so within Australia I absolutely love going to the Gold Coast! It's the most gorgeous place and the beaches are to die for!
4. Do you have a pet, if so, post a picture. If not, post a picture of a cute animal anyway!
Waa! I've never had a pet! (I feel like I've missed out big time on this one) But if I was to have a pet id get either a baby shark or an axolotl! I love wacky and weird animals and those two definitely the coolest pets in my opinion!
Its so cute awh!
5. In the city/town you currently live in, where is your favourite place to eat out?
Okay don't judge me here but Id have to say Subway! I know its not very fancy but their subs and cookies are the bomb!
6. Name the one makeup or beauty item you couldn’t live without.
I'd have to say my Benefit Hoola bronzer. It's my holy grail of all bronzers and I couldn't live without the stuff! It plays a huge part in my daily makeup routine and my face would look dead without it!
7. What nail polish, if any are you currently wearing?
Im currently wearing the Australis nail colour in satine. It's a gorgeous eggshell colour which is subtle enough for me to wear to school without getting in trouble!
8. What is your favourite book or series of books?
The fault In Our Stars is my current fav book! I have to say I have never cried reading a book before but this one left me weeping like a baby! It's so beautifully written and the storyline is absolutely fabulous! If you love good ol' romance books with a twist then this is definitely for you!
9. Flats or heels?
Flats for sure! I do love wearing my chunky sandals and edgy boots but im a vans and converse girl at heart! You can never go wrong with a comfy pair of converse!
10. In the movie of your life, who would play you?
Even though she's not an actress id love Tanya Burr to play me! British accent? Check! Killer curvy body? Check! Incredible makeup? Check! Yes please!
11. Name 3 of your favourite bloggers.
I love Lily Pebbles, Temptalia, and KABOOM! Cosmetics. Check these lovely ladies out, they have the bomb-diggity of blogs!
So thanks again Dani for nominating me! I think the Liebster Award is a fun little thing which really allows newbies and smaller blogs to feel loved and appreciated!
I am only going to nominate 3 blogs because im new and don't really know of too many blogs. I nominate:
Your questions are:
1. what are your top 3 lip products?
2. what is a product you'd love to purchase?
3. when did you get into liking beauty related things?
5. why did you decide to make a blog?
6. what do you hope will become of your blog in the future? e.g.. what you will gain
7. heels or flats?
8. favourite mascara?
9. if you could only have 5 products to get ready for a big night out what would you use?
10. what item would you bring to a deserted island ( such a creative question I know! )
11. what makeup item do you wish you could invent or improve?
Sarah x